Manhunt on Command – The Real Face of our Rule of Law 2006-2008
Szerző: Valéria Kormos
Kiadó: XX. Century Institute and Office of History, Budapest, 2009.
Don’t touch it! What is it to you, anyway? Expressions of scepticism and resignation. That is how people reacted, trying to shield me – for various reasons – when they found out what I was working on. Because I had decided to write a book about everything that had happened after September 17, 2006 in Hungary, in Budapest, under cover of the night. About everything that they wanted to keep from us. About the fate of those innocent young people, whom the police have picked up in various parts of the city. About the outrage and iniquities that were committed then and subsequently. About the suffering and distress they and their loved ones had to endure. The campaign fought for their rescue was as exciting as the most gripping thriller. True, we were not the ones who wrote the script; we only strove to change the projected „outcome”. To be honest, it was not my intention to be caught up for months in the lives of total strangers. I am not a publicity seeker, I don’t fancy myself as a heroine, and I am tired of the constant skirmishing. I am a woman, a wife, a mother and a person of good intentions. I am a journalist of long standing, who hasn’t shed her principles along the way. That is why I could not shirk this task.
XX. Century Institute and Office of History, Budapest, 2009.
238 pages
ISBN: 978-963-87154-3-2